Esisar rubrique International 2022

Entrance in Year 3 or 4

Two different processes exist depending on your current program of study: 

Your are attending preparatory classes equivalent to the one we have in France

This is the case, for example, in some African countries. Then, you have register to the contest "Concours Communs Polytechniques".
Depending on your rank in that contest, you might be directly admitted to Esisar in Year 3.

You are not concerned by the previous case. Then, you can apply through an application file

Selection is based on the excellence of your academics records.


1/ First, you fill the following on-line application form : Equiv.

The online application is open from January 20th at 0h00 to April 3rd at 23h59.
Be careful :
This online application is valid for all schools of Grenoble INP and you are allowed to choose more than one. If you are interested by Esisar, don’t forget to put us in your list of choices.

2/ Second, when you enter the choice “Esisar” in the on-line form, you will have a specific list of documents that you have to send us.

Those documents have to be sent to us by postal mail at the following address:

Grenoble INP – Esisar
Ecole nationale supérieure en Systèmes Avancés et Réseaux
Service admission
50 rue Barthélémy de Laffemas BP 54
26902 Valence Cedex 9

3/ If your application file is pre-selected by us.

You will be informed of that and a phone interview of approximately 30 min will be fixed with you.

4/ Final decision.

Communicated by the beginning of June of the current year.

5/ Confirmation.

You have to confirm us that you accept your admission and that you will come before the beginning of July of the current year.

Worth knowing:

There is no application fees for that procedure.


Email address:
Phone: (+33) 4 75 75 94 53.