Esisar rubrique Formation 2022

Signal processing - 3AMAC367

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 18.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 16.5
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works 18.0
    • Written tests -


    ECTS 4.0


Skills to know at the end of the class:

  • Basic understanding of signal theory and signal processing
  • Ability to design and to characterize linear time invariant systems and continuous and discreet signals
  • Ability to implement basic methods of processing like spectral analysis, sampling, filtering, correlation.




1. Introduction to signal processing

  • Issues, signals classification, practical examples of signal processing

2. Continuous deterministic signals

  • Time representation and frequency representation
  • Fourier transform and Fourier series

3. Filtering and spectrum analysis

  • Convolution and correlation operators
  • Energy aspects and Parseval theorem
  • Frequency filters and apodization

4. Sampling

  • Shannon theorem
  • Limits in practice and anti-aliasing filter

5. Discrete deterministic signals

  • Basic transforms: Tz, dFT, DFT, FFT
  • Convolution and correlation in discrete time

6. Introduction to digital filtering

  • Finite impulse filters (FIR)
  • Infinite impulse filters (IIR)

Session 1: Introduction to Matlab/Simulink
Session 2: Spectrum observation
Session 3: Introduction to digital filters


analog and numerical electronics basics
Mathematics : complex, integration/derivation, matrix calculus, vectorial space suites.


cours : examen surprise de cours
Exam : examen de fin de session
TP : travaux pratiques


The course exists in the following branches:

see the course schedule for 2022-2023

Additional Information

Course ID : 3AMAC367
Course language(s): FR

The course is attached to the following structures:

You can find this course among all other courses.


[1] Delmas, "Eléments de théorie du signal : les signaux déterministes", Ellipses
[2] Max, "Méthodes et techniques de traitement du signal", Masson.
[3] Bellanger, "Traitement numérique du signal", Masson.
[4] De Coulon, "Théorie et traitement des signaux", Dunod.
[5] Kunt, "Traitement numérique des signaux", Dunod.
[6] Mannevielle-Esqieu, "Théorie du signal et composants", Dunod.
[7] Duroc, "L'essentiel en théorie de traitement du signal, Ellipse.