"Maria Gabriela: “Studying abroad with the BRAFITEC program: an opportunity!"

Maria Gabriela, a student at the Federal University of Campina Grande in Brazil, recently completed her internship at Airbus and earned her double degree at Esisar.
She shares her experience with the BRAFITEC program, a Franco-Brazilian partnership of excellence renewed by Grenoble INP - Esisar in 2024, which offers significant opportunities, as demonstrated by her story.

"I've always dreamed of studying abroad since high school! When I began my studies at UFCG (Federal University of Campina Grande) in Brazil in 2019, I learned about the BRAFITEC program through teachers and friends. It is an international mobility program between Brazil and France, under which my home university, UFCG, has an agreement with certain schools in France.

BRAFITEC was my chance to study abroad!"

"In 2021, I started learning French, and within six months, I was able to pass the DELF test at the required B1 level. Then, when selected by my university to go to France through the BRAFITEC program, I immediately started looking at UFCG's partner schools and chose Grenoble - INP Esisar, UGA to enhance my knowledge and benefit from high-quality instruction in my field of study: radio frequencies/telecommunications."


RF/electronics courses and associated laboratory: two major advantages for choosing Esisar

I chose Esisar because of its RF/electronics courses. The school stood out to me for its advanced technology and the presence of the LCIS laboratory - Laboratoire de Conception et d'Intégration de Systèmes, particularly the ORSYS team (Systèmes Optoélectroniques) et Radio Fréquences, which focuses on radio frequency (RF) technologies, wireless communications, signal processing, and measurements. I was also attracted to the research fields related to my interests: radio frequencies/electronics. This led me to choose the EIS (Electronics, Computing and Systems) courses at Esisar.


French courses and immersion

I also chose Esisar because of its location in Valence, a charming town with affordable living costs close to major cities like Grenoble and Lyon. The transportation to get there is fast: a good option for visiting other cities. Although it was initially challenging, I now have a B2 level in French and can understand 90% of discussions, thanks to the French courses offered by Esisar and interactions with other students.
The key to learning is to never stop trying. To learn a language, you have to practice every day and immerse yourself in an international environment. By giving yourself the chance to practice all the time, you can make significant progress. For instance, last year's English classes were a valuable way to practice the language. It was my first time leaving Brazil, so everything felt new – the culture, language, country, and food. It takes time to adapt and become familiar with a new environment, but with patience, everything will fall into place.


Unlocking opportunities: live and study in an international environment every day

Living and studying in an international environment is an incredible experience that unlocks new personal and professional opportunities. If you are planning to study in France or any other country, my main advice is to extensively practice the local language before your arrival, as it will greatly help in your adaptation process.