Esisar rubrique Formation 2022

Academic information


The engineering courses are given in French; thus students must have a minimum level in French language upon arrival in order to be able to follow the courses and take the examinations.

  • Students can register for an intensive French course during the summer preceding the beginning of the academic year, in the University Center of French Studies (CUEF - Université Grenoble Alpes). CUEF proposes intensive sessions (20 hours per week) or semi intensive (10 hours) during July or August, and also during the academic year.
    These courses are paid by the students (but they can benefit from a 20% reduction).
  • Grenoble Institute of Technology also organizes French courses, paid by the schools, which the students must follow if they have difficulties in French. A one-week crash course is generally organized during the last week of August. Then they have 2 hours per week during the academic year (registration is done through the Grenoble Institute of Technology application form).
Students who are on a double-degree program can follow the French courses, whatever their level, during their first year in Grenoble.

Whereas the courses in our international master's programs are fully taught in English.

Students applying for an Engineering double degree (leading to the award of Grenoble INP - Ensimag, UGA Engineering degree) will need to show proof of a B1 level in French and English when submitting their application. In order to be awarded their degree, those students will need to take test(s), organized at Ensimag, to validate a B2 level in both languages.

Students applying for a master double degree (leading to the award of the Grenoble INP - Ensimag, UGA master’s degree) are not concerned by this requirement. They will only have to demonstrate an English language competence of B1/B2.
We recommend that they have basic knowledge in French (A2), but this is not compulsory.

Academic calendar

  • Our first and second years (equivalent to last year of undergraduate studies and first year of graduate studies) are divided into two semesters, from mid-September till end of January, and from early February till June.
  • The third year (equivalent to fifth year - graduate studies) is composed of a semester of courses (mid-September till end of January), and the second semester is dedicated to the final study project (Projet de Fin d'Etudes - PFE), which roughly lasts 5/6 months.
  • University holidays:
    Fall break (1 week), Christmas (2 weeks), February (1 week), Easter break (1 week).


Exchange students can choose their courses as follows:
  • either in the regular offer taught in French
  • or in the international masters' programs taught in English 
The yearly workload for a regular student is composed of 60 ECTS of courses. Regular students and double-degree students must conform to this structure. Exchange students can register to less than 60 ECTS; they are allowed to register to the number of courses they wish (in agreement with their home institution).
The registration to courses is done at the beginning of each semester.

What is a grande école ?

French engineering curriculum

Cycle ingénieur France 2