A new award for Etienne Perret

After having received the MIT Technology Review Innovators award and the Innovative techniques for Environment award in 2013, the Léon Brillouin SEE/IEEE award in 2016 and the prestigious ERC award in 2018 and then the MTT-S Oustanding Young Engineer Award in 2019, Etienne Perret has received a new award from the Science Academy and the Telecom Institute in France with the Young researcher award.
What made his work renowned is his outstanding achievement in the identification of an object in an unknown environment using a chipless label or tag. Those chipless label can be printed, recycled and cheap to produce.  Being chipless they are less expensive and easier to produce than common RFID labels. They are also easier to read than barcodes.
Each chipless label has its own electromagnetic signature with all the information about the product where it is printed.

More information on Associate Professor Etienne Perret
More information on the ERC Scattererid Project