CSAW'20! CSAW is back!!!

4th European finals organised at Grenoble INP-Esisar, Université Grenoble Alpes
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Grenoble INP- Esisar, UGA and the LCIS laboratory, with the collaboration of IRT Nanoelec and the Cybersecurity Institute at Université Grenoble Alpes, organise for the 4th time the European finals in Cybersecurity!

CSAW is the biggest international academic competition in cybersecurity!

This year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the competition will go virtual and open to everyone from November 5th to 8th, 2020.

Visitors will be able to see the list of finalists and access to seminars from keynote speakers in cybersecurity and to the career fair.
Registration is free of charge and open to everyone.
Conferences/Seminars as well as the finals will be live on Friday November 6th and on-demand later.


Watch the video from CSAW'19 edition

CSAW'19 video

Video credits: AsNoProd

Who participates in CSAW?

For this 2020 edition, more than 1,600 teams competed in the qualification phase. This year at Esisar, 3 European finals will be organised with more than 100 students from 30 different European universities and 15 countries. Prizes will be given to the first 3 teams in each competitions thanks to our partners 

European finals:

10 excellent PhD students will present in front of industrial experts their recent studies published in top notch papers/conferences. Their works are around many aspects of cybersecurity: cryptography, hardware security, software security, networks security...)
ESC is an educational, research-oriented tournament aimed at hacking into the hardware of embedded systems.
This year's ESC focuses on the security of Internet of Things (IoT), which are embedded devices with network connectivity. IoT devices are part of most modern smart infrastructures with an estimate of over 20 billion IoT devices connected today. ESC 2020 will task contestants with hacking the firmware of a wifi access point running on a RISC-V IoT platform using open-source reverse engineering tools.
CSAW CTF is one of the oldest and biggest CTFs with 1301 teams with 1+ point in 2019. Designed as an entry-level, jeopardy-style CTF, this competition is for students who are trying to break into the field of security, as well as for advanced students and industry professionals who want to practice their skills.

Photo credits : Patrick Gardin
More information on CSAW > csaw.io/europe
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