Embarking on a new academic year with a focus on international openness

At the beginning of the new academic year, we are thrilled to welcome 46 new international students to our exchange program, double degree program, or IMESS Master's program. 
They come from 14 countries: Algeria, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Russia, Tunisia, Vietnam. This group will bring a lot of diversity and energy to our academic community, as these students are all motivated and dynamic. About 15 students are enrolling in the IMESS master's program, marking a record number of applications this year.

To kick off the year, we hosted a convivial brunch after giving the new students a tour of our facilities. This allowed our international recruits to connect and share ideas in a relaxed atmosphere.
This warm welcome sets the tone for an academic year focused on international openness, sharing, and success. We wish all our students a fantastic year filled with new discoveries, intercultural experiences, and achievements!