Esisar rubrique Formation 2022

Computer architecture - 3AMCE317

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 21.0
    • Tutorials 22.5
    • Laboratory works 24.0


    ECTS 5.0


Design simple digital systems on programmable components (CPLD and FPGA)
Understand basic components, architecture and use of computer. This course details the key concepts of modern processor architecture and its implications on software and hardware design

Contact David HELY, Vincent BEROULLE


  1. Fundamental of digital electronics (5 "support" lessons)
    1. Binary numbers & arithmetic
    2. Boolean algebra & logical components
    3. Combinational logic & arithmetic circuits
    4. Sequential logic & finite state machines
  2. Digital circuits design
    1. Introduction to VHDL
    2. Design of combinational and sequential circuits
    3. Design of finite state machines
    4. Synchronous design guidelines
    5. Programable components
  3. Processor Architecture
    1. Processors basics
      1. Processor Models
      2. Instruction Set Architectures
      3. Assembly Programmint
    2. Interrupt Management
    3. Memory Management
      1. Cache Memory
      2. Virtual Memory


  1. Simulation and logical synthesis of simple functions written in VHDL
  2. Processor Simulation and evaluation


Fundamentals of digital electronics : see contents of the "support" lessons


CC = Mean of laboratory marks and homeworks
E1 = Terminal Exam, First session, written, 3h, only document allowed "syntaxe VHDL", no calculator
E2 = Exam, Second session, written 3h, only document allowed "syntaxe VHDL", no calculator

Additional Information

Curriculum->EIS (Apprenticeship)->3A_APPRENTI


  • VHDL, du langage au circuit, du circuit au langage, J. Weber, M. Meaudre, Masson
  • Initiation au langage VHDL, Michel Aumiaux, Dunod
  • VHDL, langage, modélisation, synthèse, Airiau, Bergé, Olive, Rouillard, P. P. Romandes
  • Circuits numériques et synthèse logique, un outil: VHDL, J.Weber, M. Meaudre, Masson
  • VHDL, Introduction à la synthèse logique, P. Larcher, Eyrolles
    *" Architectures logicielles et matérielles ", P. Amblard, JC. Fernandez, Dunod, 2000.
    *" Organisation et conception des ordinateurs ", D Patterson, J. Hennessy, Dunod, 1994
    *" ARM Systeme-on-chip architecture ", S. Furber, Addison-Wesley, 2000
    *Spécifications techniques du microcontrôleur STM32F103 à coeur ARMTM Cortex-M3