Number of hours
- Lectures 15.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 16.5
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 6.0
- Written tests -
ECTS 3.0
The purpose of this course is to acquire all the skills in analog electronics that will be required in your curriculum. This course will help to harmonize the general knowledge of electricity for new students of diverse origins.
- Electronic components in amplification
- Transisors in amplification mode
- Operational amplifiers
- Transient analysis of first order linerar circuits
- Power in sinusoidal mode
- Active Power
- Reactive Power
- Apparent Power
Electricity basis,
Mathematics: trigonometry, solving systems of linear equations, the usual functions, derivatives, integrals, complex numbers, first order differential equations.
CC = Continuous assesment
E1 = Exam with a duration of 1:30
TP = Practical work average.
DO = mark on the behavior and work of the student in course and in a mini-project.
The final exam will be with non-alphanumeric calculator
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - First cycle - Semester 2
Course ID : 1AMEE112
Course language(s):
The course is attached to the following structures:
- Team
You can find this course among all other courses.
- Blot, J., "Electronique linéaire", Dunod, 1993.
- Granjon, Y., "Exercices sur les circuits électriques", Masson, 1997.
- Grossetête, C., "Electronique", Ellipses, 1998.
- Lumbroso, H., "Problèmes résolus sur les circuits électriques", Dunod, 1993.
- Milsant, F., "Electricité générale - Electronique de base", Ellipses, 1998.