Esisar rubrique Formation 2022

Geometrical Optics - 2AMPH251

  • Number of hours

    • Lectures 15.0
    • Projects -
    • Tutorials 15.0
    • Internship -
    • Laboratory works -


    ECTS 2.5


Being able to calculate the position of real or virtual images and also their characteristics for a centered optical system. Being able to do ray tracing for centered optical systems.
Understand the concepts of light waves and optical intensity. Understand the concepts of interference and diffraction. Being able to calculate the optical intensity of an interference pattern produced by an interferometer. Being able to calculate the light intensity in a plane located at infinity after diffraction caused by a circular or rectangular aperture.
Being able to use the different theories of optics and to use them appropriately.




  • Introduction
  • Geometrical Optics
    • Fermat's principle
      • Reflection law
      • Refraction law
    • Refraction on a spherical surface
    • Gauss' approximation
    • Matrix modelization of a lens
    • Thin lenses
    • Examples of centered optical systems:
      • Microscope
      • Refracting Telescope
  • Wave optics
    • Notions of waves
    • Fraunhofer Diffraction
    • Interference
      • Of two plane waves
      • Of two spherical waves
    • Interferometers:
      • Glass plate
      • Michelson
      • Mach-Zenhder
    • Fabry-Perot interferometer


  • Knowledge of geometry;
  • Knowledge matrix algebra;
  • Knowledge of complex numbers;
  • Knowledge of integral calculus.


Mid-terms exam (EXAM1) : written exam, 1,5 hour long without documentation, calculator accepted
Final exam (EXAM2): written exam, 1,5 hour long without documentation, calculator accepted


The course exists in the following branches:

  • Curriculum - First cycle - Semester 3
see the course schedule for 2023-2024

Additional Information

Course ID : 2AMPH251
Course language(s): FR

The course is attached to the following structures:

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