Number of hours
- Lectures 58.5
- Projects -
- Tutorials 37.5
- Internship -
- Laboratory works -
ECTS 7.0
Mastering basic mathematical tools allowing to follow courses of second year and master the tools necessary to master the understanding of electronics, automation and computer. In addition, students will acquire the essential foundations of mathematics that will be useful in all fields of science: logic, rigor, quality of writing, imagination and perseverance in the search for solutions.
Frédéric TRAN MINH
- Basic knowledge of mathematics: sets, logic
- Usual Functions, trigonometry
- Sums and products
- Complex numbers
- Sequences of real or complex numbers.
- Limits, continuity.
1 final exam [E] : 2h (No documents allowed. Calculators are prohibited.)
[CC] : Various tests & homework
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - First cycle - Semester 1
Additional Information
Course ID : 1AMMA121
Course language(s):
The course is attached to the following structures:
You can find this course among all other courses.
- How to study for a mathematics degree, Lara Alcock, Oxford University Press
- How to think about analysis, Lara Alcock, Oxford University Press
- Comment penser comme un mathématicien, Kevin Houston (trad. André Lemoine), De Boeck.
- Mathématiques tout-en-un MPSI, Deschamps, Moulin, Warusfel, Dunod
- Mathématiques L1, Marco, Lazzarani et al., Pearson Education
- Mathématiques ECS 1re année : Le compagnon (Benoist, Rivet, Maffre, Dorat, Touzillier), Dunod
- Tout ouvrage de mathématiques à destination du premier cycle (filieres : MPSI/PCSI/PTSI/ECS/L1)
- Qui a peur des mathématiques ? Anne Siety, livre de poche