Esisar rubrique Recherche 2022

Research and Innovation at Esisar

Esisar manages high-research facilities: in a top-level environment, researchers and students benefit from high-performance equipment (such as the iconic anechoic test chamber) for conducting ambitious research projects in cutting-edge fields.
  • Esisar is home to a research laboratory in the field of design and systems integration, the LCIS, which develops high-level research in strong connection with many international labs.
  • In addition, Esisar also houses the technological platform Esynov, which is dedicated to embedded systems, radio frequencies, and electromagnetic compatibility. Esynov provides unique research means in the Rhône-Alpes region to support the development of research and industrial projects with partner companies.

The school also organises high-visibility events around innovation, such as CSAW cybersecurity competition.