Esisar rubrique Recherche 2022

Research LCIS

Research activities of Esisar

Research activities in Esisar are all gathered in the Research Lab called LCIS. The LCIS is a French public research lab where professors and assistant professors of Grenoble INP – Esisar and some professors and assistant professors of the University Pierre Mendès France (Grenoble II) carry their academic researches with master students, Ph.D. students and post-docs.


The four major research thematics are:

·    Radiofrequency (RF)

·    Control and automation

·    Cooperating complex systems

·    Conception and test of embedded systems

To learn more about the LCIS

At the present time, the website of the LCIS is unfortunately only in French, sorry for that.

Research Internship – Ph.D. – Post-doc

You are a master student or equivalent level and you are interested to do an internship in the LCIS, Esisar academic research lab,
You have a master degree and you want to continue research by doing a Ph.D,
You are a young Ph.D. and the LCIS research activities interest you.
Whatever your home university is, it is possible to come to Valence to realized your research project. Members of the LCIS will be pleased to hear from you.

How to proceed?

The International Office of Esisar does not follow those applications. So, don’t contact us for that, we will not be able to help you much on this point.
What you have to do is to have a look at the research activities of the LCIS and to identify professors, assistant professors who carry research activities you are interested in. Then, you have to contact them directly to propose your application. The acceptance decision belongs to the professor.

If you are accepted, your supervisor will help you with the procedure to come, with the help of the administrative staff of the LCIS.