Number of hours
- Lectures 9.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 9.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 9.0
- Written tests -
ECTS 1.5
Know, analyze and implement circuits and systems dedicated to telecommunication devices.
- Introduction to telecommunication systems,
- Phase locked loop (PLL),
- Amplitude modulation : concepts and circuits,
- Angular modulations : concepts and circuits,
- Introduction to digital communications,
- Access techniques,
- Introduction to Software Defined Radio (SDR).
Linear system automation, analog electronics, digital electronics, signal processing.
E1 = Exam with a duration of 1:30 (without document, calculatrice allowed).
TP = Practical work average.
DO = Technical document notation.
E2 = Resit with a duration of 1:30 (without document, calculatrice allowed).
02 = Resit oral with a duration of 15 min (without document, calculatrice allowed).
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - EIS (Apprenticeship) - App - Semester 8
Additional Information
Course ID : 4AMSC437
Course language(s):
The course is attached to the following structures:
You can find this course among all other courses.
- Baudoin, G., "Radiocommunications numériques, Tomes 1&2", 2ème éd., Dunod, 2007
- Encinas, J., "Systèmes à verrouillage de phase", Masson, 1989
- Hervé, J., "Electronique appliquée à la transmission de l'information", Masson, 1982
- Lecoy, P., "Principes et technologies des télécoms", Hermès, 2005
- More, C., "Transmission des signaux", 2ème éd., Mc Graw Hill, 1999