Number of hours
- Lectures 18.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 18.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 12.0
- Written tests -
ECTS 5.0
This course teaches algorithms for solving real problems that arise frequently in computer applications. It emphasizes the importance of the algorithm analysis process: continuously re-evaluating, modifying, and perhaps rejecting algorithms until a satisfactory solution is attained.
Algorithm design and analysis
Data structures
Binary Search Trees
Hash tables
Dynamic programming
Greedy algorithms
Basic algorithms on trees and graphs
Home assignment
Final Exam
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - Network and computer science - Semester 6
- Curriculum - EIS - Semester 6
Course ID : 3AMCS353
Course language(s):
The course is attached to the following structures:
- Team Computer Science
You can find this course among all other courses.
1. Introduction à l'algorithmique, T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, Dunod
Livre de base pour le cours magistral.
2. Algorithmique en C, Jean-Michel Léry, Synthex Informatique, Pearson, 2010.
Livre présentant une synthèse du cours avec des exercices corrigés. Particulièrement adapté pour avoir une seconde approche des notions présentées en cm, td et tp.
3. C - A reference manual, S. Harbison, G. Steele, Prentice Hall.
Livre de référence pour la programmation en langage C. Utile pour les tp.