Number of hours
- Lectures 7.5
- Projects -
- Tutorials 7.5
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 9.0
- Written tests -
ECTS 2.0
Design of simple digital system on programmable components (CPLD and FPGA)
Understanding basic componentsof computer.
*#Fundamental of digital electronics
**Binary numbers & arithmetic
**Boolean algebra & logical components
**Combinational logic & arithmetic circuits
**Sequential logic & finite state machines
*#Introduction to VHDL
*#VHDL basis
*#Programmable components
Simulation and logical synthesis of simple functions written in VHDL
Algorithm, programming basis
CC = Mean of laboratory marks and homeworks
E1 = Terminal Exam, First session, written, 1h30, only document allowed "syntaxe VHDL", no calculator
E2 = Exam, Second session, written 1h30, only document allowed "syntaxe VHDL", no calculator
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - EIS (Apprenticeship) - App - Semester 5
Course ID : 3AMCE318
Course language(s):
The course is attached to the following structures:
You can find this course among all other courses.
*VHDL, du langage au circuit, du circuit au langage, J. Weber, M. Meaudre, Masson
*Initiation au langage VHDL, Michel Aumiaux, Dunod
*VHDL, langage, modélisation, synthèse, Airiau, Bergé, Olive, Rouillard, P. P. Romandes
*Circuits numériques et synthèse logique, un outil: VHDL, J.Weber, M. Meaudre, Masson
VHDL, Introduction à la synthèse logique, P. Larcher, Eyrolles