Number of hours
- Lectures 9.0
- Projects -
- Tutorials 9.0
- Internship -
- Laboratory works 3.0
- Written tests -
ECTS 1.5
To be able to formalize the concept of EM wave
To be able to understand the concept of wave polarization
To be able to position the antenna function in a RF transceiver chain
To be able to understand the antenna function and the basic parameters of a antenna.
To be able to model basic antennas.
To be able to use an antenna for a given application: understand and know how to use the main characteristics of antennas for a given application. To be able to choose an antenna and determining the link budget of the system.
Etienne PERRET
I. Waves
Wave concept
Electromagnetic waves
wave polarization
II. Antennas
Antenna function
Wire antennas
The basic parameters of the antennas
Friis equation / Link Budget
Example of common antennas
Concepts of electromagnetism (Maxwell equation) and basic concepts in RF: Guided propagation, concept of impedance, impedance matching, reflection coefficient.
Mathematics: function of several variables, notions of derivatives, complex algebra, and differential operators.
E1 = Final Exam 1 - 1H30, Undocumented, calculator ok
E2 = Final Exam 2 - resit/rattrapage examination - 1H30, Undocumented, calculator ok
TP = Lab
N1 = 60%E1 + 40%TP.
N2 = 60%E2 + 40%TP.
The course exists in the following branches:
- Curriculum - EIS (Apprenticeship) - App - Semester 7
Course ID : 4AMSC417
Course language(s):
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Young, Freedman: “University Physics”, Chap. 32 Electromagnetic waves, 12eme edition.
Gardiol, F., "Electromagnétisme, volume III", Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 1996.
Bertin, M., Faroux, J.P., Renault, J., "Cours de physique, Electromagnétisme 3", DUNOD, 3ème édition 1966.
Elmore, W.C. and Heald, M.A., "Physics of waves", Dover Applications, 1969
C.A. BALANIS : Antenna theory, analysis and design, John Wiley, 1997.
J. ROGER, « Antennes, Bases et principes Techniques de l’Ingénieur », traité Électronique, E3 280.
P. F. COMBES : Microondes, Circuits passifs, propagation, antennes, Vol. 2, éditions Dunod, 1997.
J.J. CARR : Practical Antenna Handbook, Mac Graw-Hill, 2001.
K.-L. WONG : Planar antennas for wireless communications, Wiley Interscience, 2003.
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