Esisar Rubrique Recherche 2022 ok

Cybersecurity Awareness Communication Challenge (CAC²)

csaw CAC

New CSAW'24 Europe challenge: the Cybersecurity Awareness Communication Challenge (CAC²) !

Open to all academics, from high school to doctoral students and university students, this is the only competition that can bring together all levels of study and all fields of study!
The aim is to raise awareness of cybersecurity through a communication medium. Students from all disciplines can take part (engineers, graphic designers, business schools, teachers, etc.): the ideal is to bring together a wide range of skills and technologies to develop this innovative medium!

The medium is designed to raise awareness of cybersecurity among non-expert audiences (e.g. primary schools, media libraries, hospitals, etc.).
A jury made up of cybersecurity specialists and communication/marketing experts will assess the projects on the basis of criteria such as: the innovative aspect of the project, the expected impact on the public, ease of deployment and practical implementation.

Qualification phase :
Registration will be open until 15 October inclusive. Each team must provide a pdf document of no more than 4 pages containing a description of the project, the cyber security area targeted, the educational objective and the target audience. The communication material may take the form of a poster, a game, a video, a demo, etc. The format is free.

Students may be enrolled in different universities/schools in the Europe region (*), in different disciplines, at different levels and in different countries.
The number of participants per team is not limited for the creation and development of the communication medium.

Final phase :
Following the first selection, the finalists will be announced on 07 october  2024. Only two representatives per finalist team will be invited to present the project on 8 November 2024 in Valence, France. Travel grants will be awarded to finalists to help defray travel costs.

At the end of the competition, all participants will be required to submit their work. An authorisation to re-use the material as part of our awareness-raising activities will have to be signed.
(*) European region: Armenia, the European Union, Norway, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.


Registration opens: 15 July 2024
Submission deadline: 15 October 2024
Announcement of finalists: 22 October 2024
Final in Valence, France: 8 November 2024


Register your team