Courses and group of courses name | ECTS | hours per student |
Semester 8 30.0 7.0 - 4AMAC437 1.5 27.0 Real life - Real time digital control design - 4AMAC438 1.5 27.0 Hardware Architecture Design with FPGA - 4AMCE419 2.5 40.5 - 4AMSC437 1.5 27.0
15.0 Learning in companies - 4AMPX428 15.0 15.0
Transverse courses 5.0 English - 4AMLA408 1.5 18.0 Orthodidacte - 4AMLA457 1.0 4.5 Business Management - 4AMMB457 1.5 16.5 Sport - 4AMSP408 1.0 12.0